Media propagandists ignore that 20 million.... Christians and non Jews died at the hands of communists in the soviet union and Jews did the killing..... I cite and quote the writing of Jews and the Talmud, statisics from the various governments....Deal with it sheep boy/girl....I mean Goyim

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Little known facts about the COLOUMBINE MASSACRE and so called neo nazis

Nationalists are demanding full investigation and exposure of the ADL and any ties, directly or indirectly, to Klebold

Dylan Klebold jew..not evil white
Columbine Massacre Klebold's Jewish ancestors emigrated from Russia and amassed vast fortunes through shady financial dealing. Klebold was likely named after Bob Dylan, the sixties' hippy singer, whose real name was Zimmerman, who extolled the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War and who was idolized by leftists, such as Klebold's parents. The Klebold household was undoubtedly immersed with pro-Semitic propaganda, with ties to the ADL and similar outfits. Klebold's mother was educated at an all-Jewish school. Klebold was certainly bombarded with the concept that Americans were "Nazis" who needed to be destroyed and, also, with images of
Jews who had feigned being "neo-Nazis" in order to whip up frenzy in favor of gun bans, "hate" laws, aid to Israel and further importation of Jews from Russia. Klebold patronized anarchist web sites where he posted and received bomb-making materials. Being a homosexual was further indication of Klebold's perverse and anti-social mentality.

Abraham Cooper ..anti white propagandist
Cooper, a spokesman for the Simon Wiesenthal Museum, was immediately on television claiming that "white extremists" were responsible for the Colorado shooting. He claimed that he had proof that "white" activists are undertaking to cause violence and mayhem. He claims to have operatives all over the country and is obviously well financed. He showed pictures of Klansmen and "white supremacists" who he blamed for the rampage. THAT KLEBOLD WAS A JEW WAS SUPRESSED BY THE MEDIA

David Goldman hatemonger
Hatewatch Website A writer who copied the Harvard Hate Page on the Internet after it was banned as a Bill of Attainder after Nationalists objected. Goldman categorized his opponents as "neo-Nazis" and blamed Nationalists and rightists for virtually every ill in the country. He went on television blaming "whites" for the Colorado shooting. He built up a small but virulent cadre from his Hatewatch site and likely inflamed Klebold, who was also an Internet enthusiast. Goldman folded after his associate, Brian Marcus, joined violent anarchists who attacked Nationalists at Morristown, New Jersey and Nationalists threatened to sue.

Jordan Gollub "Klansman"
When there seemed to be a lull in targets for pro-Semitic activists, Gollub stepped onto the scene declaring that he was "head" of the "Ku Klux Klan." He immediately received great fanfare by the news media as a "spokesman" for "rightists," until it was uncovered that he was Jewish. He quickly dropped out of sight, but not before leaving the impression that his element will attempt to pressure public opinion from dark and devious vantage points, such as by pretending to be what they are not. Such machinations doubtlessly weighed on the impressionable and twisted mind of the young, homosexual Klebold, who purportedly feigned being a "neo-Nazi."

Andrew Greenbaum "Neo-Nazi" A "fresh face" suddenly appears on television screens as "Davis Hawke," complete with costume and mustache. He presents himself as the Jerry-Stringer-Show, stereotypical "neo-Nazi," and is both promoted and attacked by pro-Semites. His "claim-to-fame" was a bizarre Internet page extolling America's World War II enemies, copied from the site of Ryan Wilson of Philadelphia, which became defunct when Wilson was charged for depicting bombs being set off and blowing up supporters of the ADL. A South Carolina newspaper then uncovers "Hawke's" birth certificate and discloses that "Hawke's" real name is Greenbaum. Greenbaum also used the alias "Bo Decker."

Benjamin Freedman
Financier Unknown to the general public, Freedman, an heir to the Beechnut food-chain fortune, financed the neo-Nazi publications of Conde McGinley, a New Jersey editor known as the leading "anti-Semite" of his day. Freedman's bankrolling was not brought to light until after McGinley's death, but it set the pace for subsequent underwriting and control of "neo-Nazi" artifices by Jewish organizations.

Frank Colin "Neo-Nazi"
Child Molester Colin led a self-proclaimed "neo-Nazi" group in Chicago, which scheduled a parade through the Jewish section of Skokie, Illinois. Jews roundly condemned him, but represented him in court. The march was canceled after it was revealed that Colin was Jewish. He was later convicted of child molestation.

Dan Burros "Neo-Nazi"
Suicide Burros led a self-proclaimed "neo-Nazi" group in Philadelphia, which was soundly denounced repeatedly by various Jewish organizations. When told that the New York Times was prepared to publish a story the following day that he was actually Jewish, Burros killed himself.


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