Media propagandists ignore that 20 million.... Christians and non Jews died at the hands of communists in the soviet union and Jews did the killing..... I cite and quote the writing of Jews and the Talmud, statisics from the various governments....Deal with it sheep boy/girl....I mean Goyim

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The National Alliance, Incorporated: A Jew False Flag Cell by “Maguire” The key to understanding the National Alliance (NA) is understanding the real structure of the NA. The National Alliance is a private for-profit corporation chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia (not West Virginia). The NA has stockholders, officers, directors and customers. Dr. Pierce's 'chairmanship' was always chairman of the Board of Directors of this Virginia for profit corporation. The constant introduction of Dr. Pierce as 'Chairman' started in the days when the 'Chairman' of the Communist Party of the USSR was a political figure of importance. The listener was invited to conclude Dr. Pierce was a political figure with the title of 'Chairman', although his chairmanship was of a corporation he owned and operated.The Virginia Secretary of the Commonwealth's corporate data website reports the current 2003 officers as:OFFICERS/DIRECTORS DISPLAY FOR AR# 203-14-2156LT NAME TITLE SIGN B FRED GENE STREED PRESIDENT B KATHERINE MOLZ VICE PRESIDENT B ROBERT A DEMARAIS SECRETARY B ERICH J GLIEBE CHAIRMAN The National Alliance's publicly registered Virginia address is: 1330 GORDEN WALL CIR APT 402, RESTON, VA 20194. The true spelling is GARDEN WALL CIRCLE. The Fairfax County tax assessor's website reports this address is a condominium owned by NA Vice President Katherine Molz. This address is just outside Washington DC in Fairfax County. The NA's registered address in Fairfax County, Virginia gives it many famous neighbors, including the CIA.This privately owned corporation is a media company. It has three major profit centers.The foremost profit center is Resistance Records, a subsidiary the NA owns as Resistance LLC. Resistance Records markets "White Power Music" and related paraphernalia to young white males. This business is 'Chairman' Erich Gliebe's real focus. It's what he did before Dr. Pierce died and it's what he concentrates on now. The second profit center is National Vanguard Books. The NA's secretary, Dr. Robert DeMarais - a former professor of business -, continues to operate National Vanguard Books as he did before Dr. Pierce's death. The third profit center is 'membership dues'. For all practical purposes these National Alliance memberships are merely 'fan club' memberships in what we can fairly term the Dr. William Pierce Fan Club. This is identical to other fan clubs for famous celebrities. These memberships do not confer ownership (i.e. stock). Nor are the corporate officers and directors accountable to the 'members'. This is why the NA even solicits anonymous memberships. What the 'member' purchases is a false sense of belonging to something that is doing something.The National Alliance, Incorporated, uses two principle forms of advertising to market to its target demographic of young white males. The major advertising channel is the "American Dissident Voices" radio broadcast. Since Dr. Pierce's death Kevin Strom has resumed doing the ADV broadcasts. The American Dissident Voices show was really Kevin Strom's creation. He organized the original shortwave and small town AM/FM network in the 1990s, provided the technical support and occaisionally stood in for Dr. Pierce.The other 'advertisment' is the midnight 'literature distributions' conducted by the so-called 'Local Units' (i.e. the local Dr. Pierce fan club chapters). This involves spreading NA, Inc approved flyers in neighborhood driveways. The principle objective of these flyer distributions is to get people to contact the National Alliance's main e-commerce website.

The National Alliance and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith: A symbiotic relationship. The second morning after each literature distribution the local newspaper always runs an Anti-Defamation League written template article about 'hate'. This boilerplate article serves both the National Alliance and the Anti-Defamation League's fund raising goals. The ADL routinely hails the NA as the "most dangerous organization in America", even though ADL 'investigators' have long known about the NA's true structure. The entire transaction scares up more donations for the ADL from neurotic Jews while also recruiting still more customers for the NA. This mechanism is also the major reason the pro-white movement is teeming with so many criminals and borderline psychotics. The NA's only positive goal is to maximize its own profits, just like any other private corporation.

In the furtherance of this profit goal the National Alliance, Incorporated has willingly allowed its ostensible deadly enemy, the masonic Jewish supremacists of B'nai B'rith, to define the pro-white cause for the American public. With minor variations this business model has now been operating for three decades, ever since the National Alliance was incorporated in 1974. Failure of the 'non-Movement' There was never any possibility for the NA to progress beyond media operations into becoming a civil and political leadership cadre. The National Alliance, Incorporated collectively can no more participate in direct local politics than can Texaco or IBM. The corporation laws of the State of Virginia debar this. Those in editorial control of National Alliance can exert a background influence on the social and political environment. But this influence will always be proportional to their circulation. Since the NA's circulation is very broad in geographical scope, and the content irrelevant to local conditions or people, the resulting influence is also very superficial. Probably non-existent is a better term. Marc Moran in New Jersey recently discovered the illusionary nature of the existing 'non-Movement' when he attempted venturing into local politics. Enter Vanguard News Network and ShopWhite. The Vanguard News Network is currently in the final stages of opening an eBay clone called "ShopWhite". What Bill White and Alex Linder of VNN are doing is making a transparent move on Resistance Records' (the NA's major profit center) consumer base. Presently a White Power Band has very limited options open to it for marketing. They can market through Panzerfaust Records or they can sell through the NA subsidiary, Resistance Records. White and Linder intend to use ShopWhite to capture Resistance Records' White Power music and paraphernalia market. As Bill White said recently, ShopWhite will be a sole proprietorship with himself as sole proprietor. We can add ShopWhite to his NORFED redemption center franchise and other commercial internet activities. There's a fair amount of money at stake here. The total revenue stream for White Power music CDs and paraphernalia is probably $3 mil to $5 mil per year. To this can added books, tapes and videos of various kinds. Bill White intends to snag 10% or so of this revenue stream for himself. Emphasis on 'so'.This underlies all the recent smoke on ( about Kevin Strom, Erich Gliebe and others. The Kevin Strom flap is a secondary attack on the NA's major advertising channel (American Dissident Vocies) and an indirect attack on Eric Gliebe and Resistance Records. It is crucial to the success of this effort that it not be seen for the commercial ploy it really is. This is because the customers would be awakened to their own real status both with the NA and in under ShopWhite. White and Linder cannot openly admit they are now commercial competitors with Gliebe, Demarais & Company. The immediate struggle is a fight over control of existing White Power paraphernalia consumers. It will not add more strength or organization to the unorganized pro-white population, advance them towards political power, or develop subordinate community leaders. Bill White says this will happen but what else could he say? Crucial to the endeavor is maintaining the illusion the 'Movement' as it presently exists is something other than a media marketing scheme. Alex Linder (and Bill White to a degree) are more honest about what's up than Dr. Pierce ever was. So this may be a healthy puff of fresh air. We'll see how close White comes to eBay openess. Dr. Pierce always maintained a pretense that the NA was some sort of collective organization. The reality is the NA is and always was a private for-profit media company partly organized on the lines of Amway. But it was not as aggressive. Nor was it as effective in sinking in its roots locally for reasons seen above and below.Neither VNN or its ShopWhite enterprise are going to 'overthrow' the NA, although it will probably reduce NA Inc's. The NA is a private corporation incorporated by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Any thinking person by now is wondering why the government has never taken the simple step of revoking the corporate charter of this 'dangerous terrorist organization', as it's called by the ADL and its agentur in the FBI and the Department of Justice 'Anti-Terrorism Task Force'. They've always had it in their power to do this but found it convenient not to do so for some reason.The Political Persecution of Chester Doles. Chester Doles occupied a unique place in the National Alliance. He was the most powerful 'NA leader' who was not actually an employee or director of the National Alliance, Incorporated. By his own efforts and dynamism he had raised his particular local unit in Georgia to several hundred members. Unlike the other delivery boy operations Doles' unit was acquiring real independent life and a community character. Most notable about this unit was its concentration in a small rural area. These 'members' were thus less useful to the NA's business model, while Mr. Doles himself was a dangerous potential competitor. Shortly before his arrest by the ADL lawyers occupying Department of Justice offices Mr. Doles was openly breaking with the National Alliance. He had complained on several occaisions about the large number of federal, ADL and SPLC informers within the National Alliance. Following Dole's arrest the officers and directors of the National Alliance, Inc., tried to abandon Mr. Doles. Alex Linder and VNN initiated the Chester Doles/Goy Genius challenge to raise $50,000 for Mr. Doles defense. This succeeded and former US Congressman and district attorney Robert Barr has now undertaken Mr. Doles' legal defense against charges lodged by Michael Chertoff, a director of the ADL and Bush political appointee to the Department of Justice.The National Alliance, Incorporated: A Jew False Flag cell? Political police in all regimes often use a tactic called a "False Flag" front or combat cell. This operation involves setting up a front organization that appears to be a real opposition group. The purposes of False Flag operations are to capture control of and thus disrupt and prevent any real political opposition from emerging. Potential dissidents are both identified by this means and their efforts and resources diverted into fruitless endeavors. Is the National Alliance, Incorporated a ZOG false flag? This charge has been hurled previously. Let us consider the evidence anew.1. The private corporation structure and Dr. Pierce's explicit policies permanently foreclosed any attempts at participating in civil politics. Within the closed cult world of the NA that Day of civil participation and legitimacy always lies somewhere off in an undeterminate future. As with the 'Rapture' the precise timing is unknown, is inherently unknowable, but it is coming Soon. In practice the current corporate leadership's tenure always expires before that Day arrives. 'But it is coming Real Soon. And while you wait, buy cds, books and donate money.'2. None of the real officers, directors, stockholders or employees of this 'dangerous terrorist group' have ever been arrested. They appear to possess a teflon immunity from police interference, even when they harbor international fugitives like Hendrik Moebus.3. The simple method of destroying this 'dangerous terrorist organization', revoking its Virginia corporate charter, has never been used. The lawyers of the Deparment of Justice, the FBI and the ADL have long been aware of National Alliance, Incorporated. It's a matter of public record.4. Chester Doles, the most effective leader outside the NA's corporate structure, was arrested. NA Incorporated first tried to abandon him. His defense fund was raised by a revolt among its fans.Whether the officers, directors, stockholders or employees of NA Incorporated are conscious agents is really irrelevant. "By their fruits ye shall know them", said one Teacher. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck...."Maguire"My Comments: Maguire was kind enough to write this in response to some questions I asked him. He also told me that he has mixed emotions about all this. He thinks the true nature of the NA and its real track record should be more widely known. He doesn't think it's necessarialy bad that Alex and VNN supercede NA, Inc. as an outlet. After all, Alex Linder's editorial policy is much broader than that of "Pierce's totalitarian cult/regime."Still, Maguire said he thinks people need to recognize the limitations to this particular aspect of pro-white, meaning media and advertising. He told me, "We need to have it, but we can't allow it to become a goy version of ZOG Media, Inc."I (Tsun) agree with Maguire on the above. As for Bill White, some people say they trust him, others say they don't. However, the simple fact is that even if someone is entirely trust-worthy, it may be best not to leave him (or her) with the keys to your kingdom, or place all your eggs in that basket. My advice is to trust everybody, BUT... cut the cards. Many good friendships and business relationships have been spoiled when people have neglected to do that.Regards, TsunP.S. If you want to know more about false flag operations and herders for the sheep, take a look at the following URLs:Who Silenced the Outcry: (Phony Christian Conservatives) Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: (How many names do you recognize?) Also see Revilo Oliver's comments about how the John Birch Society was used for the same purpose: ( )You could also take a gander at Joe Farah's "World Net Daily." That's a false flag operation aimed at conservatives, if ever there was one. Rush Limbaugh, too! As many of you know.In my opinion, the most harmful thing the National Alliance has done is to help shape the perception that supporting one's race and heritage is "hateful" and means "murdering everybody," etc. The fact that most NA "members" (well, they imagine that they are members) are fine people of above average intellect has no bearing on this.


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