Media propagandists ignore that 20 million.... Christians and non Jews died at the hands of communists in the soviet union and Jews did the killing..... I cite and quote the writing of Jews and the Talmud, statisics from the various governments....Deal with it sheep boy/girl....I mean Goyim

Friday, October 21, 2005

Where was I? Palestine, Zionisim, propaganda and brain washing...

By Ismail Zayid, MD Dalhousie Gazette - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 6:34 PM Dear Editor: The letters by A. Elbaz, J.Krashinsky, A.Litman and J. Grossman [Sept. 26] are the classical rehash of Zionist falsification and re-writing of the history of the Palestine/Israel conflict. The courageous articles by Jon Elmer {" Riot, the language of the unheard" Sept. 12, and subsequent articles, Sept 19 & 26} are accurate and tell it as it is. (see: Your correspondents quote Mr. Netanyahu : " Nothing, absolutely nothing justifies terrorism." Beautifully said, but let us look at the practice. It was Prime Minister Netanyahu who sent, in 1997, his Mossad agents, carrying Canadian passports, to Amman Jordan, in the attempt to assassinate Khalid Meshal, using chemical weapons. As to terrorism, it was Israel, and the Zionist terrorist gangs {The Stern, The Irgun Zwei Leumi and Haganah}, that created terrorism in the Middle East.The catalogue of Israeli terrorism is lengthy and requires volumes to describe, but I will limit myself to few examples. However, the testimony of the late Professor Israel Shahak, a Holocaust survivor, and then Chairman of Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, is relevant here. He stated : " There is nothing new in the fact that Israel is a terrorist state, which, almost from its inception, has used its intelligence service [the Mossad] to assassinate people on foreign soil with any violence or terror it considers necessary for its ends." The first act of air piracy in the history of civil aviation was carried out by Israel, in Dec. 1954, when a civilian Syrian airliner was forced down in Tel Aviv and its passengers and crew held for days, despite international condemnation. The first act of shooting down a civilian airliner was deliberately carried out by Israel, when a Libyan airliner was shot down by Israeli jet fighters over Sinai, in Feb. 1973, on the direct orders of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, killing 107 of its passengers and its entire French crew. The first murder by letter bomb was carried by Yitzhak Shamir's Stern terrorist gang, killing a young British student in England, Rex Farran, in May 1948. Fathi Shikaki was assassinated in Malta by the Mossad in 1995, on the orders of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. We must not forget The role of Ehud Barak, later prime minister of Israel, dressed as an Arab woman, in the assassination of three Palestinian leaders, including the poet Kemal Nasser, in 1973 in Beirut. The list of assassinations, of Palestinians in Europe and Middle East, is a long one, but Europeans were not excluded. The Assassination of the British minister , Lord Moyne, in Cairo in 1944 and the horrible murder of the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, in Jerusalem on Sept. 17, 1948, on the orders of Yitzhak Shamir, is another crime. Israel's main ally, the USA, was not spared, as in the Lavon Affair in 1954, bombing US diplomatic centre in Alexandria and Cairo, and the attack on the USS Liberty , in 1967. Jews were not spared as in the sinking of the Patria ship in Haifa harbour in 1940, by the Irgun, killing 240 Jewish refugees, and the bombing of Massauda Shem-Tov synagogue in Iraq in 1951, to force Iraqi Jews to emigrate to Israel. There is a great deal more about Israeli terrorism and its work on chemical and biological weapons. Mr. Elmer's statement about, Netanyahu's expression about "the mass deportation of Arabs" is challenged. It is reported that he made this statement : " Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories". {Benjamin Netanyahu, Hotam. Nov. 24,1989}. Your correspondents speak of " anti-Semitic Palestinian education and media." A number of international studies observe the opposite. those who care to look into this should examine the following report, amongst others :{" Israeli Textbooks and Children's Literature Promote Racism and Hatred Toward Palestinians and Arabs." by Maureen Meehan, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, September 1999, pages 19-20}. As to pure anti-Semitism and racism, I'll let Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, a former Chief Rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of the Shas party tell it : " How can you make peace with a snake? The Ishmaelites [Arabs] are all accursed evil people....God regrets having created Ishmaelites." Ms. Grossman speaks of " the concessions made by Shimon Peres." This is unbelievable. Since when has the withdrawal from illegally occupied territory, in compliance with international law and Security Council resolutions, been considered a concession? It is this oppressive illegal occupation that has been allowed to stand for 35 years, in defiance of international law, that is subjecting the Palestinians to crimes against humanity. Israel is practicing extra-judicial assassination, detention without charge or trial, torture, demolition of thousands of homes, including entire villages, like Imwas [Emmaus], Yalu and Beit Nuba [my own home town], uprooting of hundreds of thousands of olive and fruit trees, expropriation of territory and the creation of illegal settlements, all in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention. These acts are war crimes, as defined by international law.

Elbaz question the credibility of Amnesty International.

This is incredible. How about the credibility of Human Rights Watch, the Israeli human rights organisation, B'Tselem, and many UN and international observers who all described Israeli atrocities in Jenin, Balata and Nablus as war crimes. It is relevant to note here that Israel remains in defiance of scores of Security Council resolutions, including resolution # 1405, of April 15,2002,ordering the admission of UN inspectors to Jenin, and resolution # 1435, Sept. 2002, ordering Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian cities and towns. Israel remains in defiance of both resolutions. Using the Bush and Blair logic of waging war against Iraq, are we allowed to conceive that they are also planning war againsr Israel, for defiance of Security Council resolutions and having nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and using some of them? The facts remain that the hypocrisy and double standards of the US and its allies are limitless. How long must Israel remain above international law? Yours sincerely, Ismail Zayid, MD.


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