Media propagandists ignore that 20 million.... Christians and non Jews died at the hands of communists in the soviet union and Jews did the killing..... I cite and quote the writing of Jews and the Talmud, statisics from the various governments....Deal with it sheep boy/girl....I mean Goyim

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I've been thinking about the "chosen people" they were chosen to show that God can tolerate and adopt anyone no matter how sick and perverted..And not, as jews like to believe, because of theyre mythical righteousness....

They (the jews) even managed to pervert the very sign of that provisional adoption by turning circumcision into an opportunity to suck pee pee...

The law and commandments came to Moses..because the jews had to have it spelled out for them...Don't boof your mother or sister, murder your neighbor, pork his wife or steal his goats, don't carve a picture on a tree and think it's God and other little things that most normal people except criminals and psycopaths know by instinct........the Jews had to be told in writing from God himself cause they're so far gone...even then they didn't get it.. and still don't..the talmud is all about circumventing and finding "exceptions" to make it ok to wallow like pigs in that which violates the norms and laws established by God or man....Oddly enough thats the very thing which has brought about their expulsion from every society thats been infected by them...

Sterilize them all like they tried to have done to the Germans and in just one generation their will be peace in the middle east, one generation and the end of socialisim, liberalisim and the corruption of whole societies by destructive and perverted ideologies....